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Genuinely Devoted People: 4 Unexpected Ways They Show Love

Recognizing the Quiet Ways Love Shows Up in Everyday Actions and Authentic Connection

by Tommy Dean
7 minutes read
Genuinely Devoted - EVRYGUY
Genuinely Devoted – EVRYGUY

Look, I get it. Dating these days is tough. You put your heart on the line, often unsure if you’re dealing with someone truly and genuinely devoted or just another smooth talker.

You’re at that little coffee shop downtown where the barista knows your order. Your date laughs at your latest terrible pun. Then doubt creeps in. Is she really into you? Or are you just keeping her seat warm until someone “better” comes along? But hey, she’s probably wondering the same about you.

Let’s look at eight clear signs of true commitment. We won’t talk about flashy Instagram moments or cheesy movie scenes. Instead, we’ll focus on those small, everyday actions that matter when the honeymoon fades and real life kicks in.

1. They Make You a Priority

After many relationships, I’ve noticed something important. People who are genuinely devoted show it in ways you might miss. You can tell if someone really cares when their actions, not just words, show they want you happy.

The Little Things Matter Most

What counts often seems small at first. Maybe they hand you coffee just how you like it when you’re running late. Or they send that perfect cat meme during your boring budget meeting. These small kindnesses build something real between you.

I once dated someone who always kept my favorite weird kombucha in their fridge when I stayed over. Just a $4 bottle, but it made me feel seen in ways roses never did.

They Put You First (Without Being a Doormat)

Someone who truly cares will often put your needs first. When it matters, they choose your happiness. It might be as simple as letting you pick Friday’s movie, even though that action flick they’ve talked about for weeks just came out.

A Personal Story

Last winter, work buried me completely, even breathing felt like another task. Without my asking, my partner handled everything around our place for a week. They even learned to cook my comfort food, despite barely knowing how to boil water before. What mattered wasn’t the chores but the thought behind them. That’s when I knew they were genuinely devoted to our relationship.

Dr. John Gottman, who has studied relationships for decades, calls these “sliding door moments.” He says, “In relationships, these small moments of everyday life and everyday kindness are actually the true currency of love.”

Remember, real devotion rarely comes with fireworks. It shows up when they grab your favorite snack without you asking.

2. They Keep Communication Open

Quality Talks Beat Constant Texting

In our notification-filled world, we often think message frequency equals relationship depth. But here’s the truth: someone who is genuinely devoted knows it’s not about bombing your phone 24/7.

I once dated a constant texter. Seemed great, right? Turns out they just checked boxes, not truly connecting. My current partner might not text all day, but when we talk, they fully engage. Quality beats quantity every time.

They Listen and Remember

Want a clear sign someone truly cares? They really listen to you. Not just nodding while you talk. They take in what you say. They remember your childhood dog named Pickle, that obscure band you loved in college, or how you hate cilantro. This matters because it shows they value your words and want to understand your world.

What Experts Say About Communication

Dr. Gottman emphasizes what he calls “turning towards” each other in daily talks. He explains, “In relationships, people make bids for their partner’s attention, affection, or support. Responding to these bids builds connection.” Spotting these moments helps you understand true commitment.

A genuinely devoted partner “turns toward” you in conversation. They engage meaningfully, ask about your day sincerely, and share their honest thoughts. Does every talk need to explore life’s meaning? Not at all. Sometimes it’s just a genuine “How’s your day?” text or looking up from their phone at dinner. These small actions show real commitment.

Good communication isn’t about how often you talk. It’s about creating a safe space where you both feel heard, understood, and valued, including those comfortable silences where you just enjoy being together.

3. They Include You in Future Plans

Long-term Thinking and Shared Goals

When someone truly commits to you, they see you in their future story. I don’t mean dramatic forever promises, though those have their place. I mean those casual comments that reveal so much.

They might say, “When we check out that jazz festival next summer…” or “We should get one of those breakfast nooks when we move.” These small remarks show they naturally think about a shared future, something far more meaningful than just sharing passwords.

You’re Part of Their Big Decisions

A genuinely devoted partner includes you in major life choices. This doesn’t mean they need your OK for everything. Rather, they value your view and think about how their choices affect both your lives.

In my early thirties, I dated someone who got a job offer across the country. Instead of just telling me their decision, they made time for us to discuss the opportunity together. We weighed how it would impact our relationship alongside our individual goals. This inclusion spoke louder than any promises could have.

Real Inclusion vs. Empty Talk

You must tell the difference between casual future talk and genuine inclusion. Someone just stringing you along might throw around “we” statements freely, but their actions tell another story.

Someone truly devoted follows through. If they mention a weekend getaway, they start looking at places to stay. If living together comes up, they begin talking about neighborhoods and timing.

Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages,” highlights how important shared dreams are for healthy relationships. He writes, “In a healthy relationship, couples not only share daily life together, but they also share dreams for the future.”

4. They Show Their Soft Side

Breaking Down Their Tough Act

In a culture where many learn to hide emotions, true devotion means slowly taking down those walls. Someone genuinely devoted will gradually feel safe showing their vulnerable side, even if they start hesitantly.

I remember when my partner finally opened up about their deepest fears. This conversation changed our connection, not because of what they shared, but because of the trust it showed. They valued our bond enough to stand emotionally naked, despite all their defenses.

Sharing Good, Bad, and Ugly

Emotional openness goes beyond sharing successes. It includes the full range, from hopes to fears, work setbacks to family drama. A devoted person gradually opens this entire spectrum to you, letting you see behind the curtain.

This openness builds something special. As relationship expert Esther Perel says, “Intimacy isn’t just physical. It’s connecting with someone so deeply, you feel you can see into their soul.”

Why Opening Up Matters

Let’s face it, showing vulnerability isn’t easy, especially for people who learned that feelings equal weakness. Sharing your inner thoughts takes courage when you risk judgment or rejection.

That’s exactly why emotional openness strongly indicates genuine devotion. True commitment builds not just on big promises but on shared vulnerabilities and growing together.

EVRYGUY Final Thoughts on Genuine Devotion

Understanding the details of a truly devoted relationship helps it last. By recognizing real love in your partner, you build a foundation of trust, respect, and deep connection. Spotting signs of true commitment reflects mutual dedication and shared vision. These elements create a relationship where both people feel valued and supported. As we navigate love’s complexities, genuine devotion strengthens your bond and helps it endure life’s challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions About Genuine Devotion

How can I tell if someone is genuinely devoted or just saying what I want to hear?

Look for consistency between their words and actions. Someone genuinely devoted backs up their promises with behavior that aligns with what they say. Pay attention to how they treat you when it’s inconvenient or when no one’s watching. Do they remember important details about you? Do they make an effort even during busy times? These everyday actions often reveal true devotion more reliably than grand gestures or flowery words.

Is it possible for someone to be genuinely devoted but still need personal space?

Absolutely! Genuine devotion doesn’t mean being attached at the hip. In fact, healthy relationships balance togetherness with individual identity. A genuinely devoted partner respects your need for personal space and maintains their own interests and friendships. The key difference is how they communicate about space – they’ll discuss it openly rather than simply disappearing or becoming distant without explanation. They make it clear that needing space isn’t about avoiding you but about maintaining balance.

How long does it typically take for genuine devotion to develop in a relationship?

There’s no universal timeline for genuine devotion to develop. For some people, it builds gradually over months or even years as trust deepens. For others, certain experiences might accelerate the process. What matters more than timing is the trajectory – is the commitment growing stronger over time? Are you both increasingly comfortable being vulnerable? Is planning a future together becoming more natural? These progressive steps matter more than hitting specific milestones by certain dates.

Can genuine devotion return after it’s been damaged by betrayal or neglect?

While challenging, genuine devotion can be rebuilt after damage, but it requires significant effort from both people. The person who caused harm needs to demonstrate consistent, transparent behavior change and patience during the rebuilding process. The hurt partner needs to be willing to gradually open up to trust again. Professional help often makes a difference. The rebuilt devotion may look different than before – perhaps more mature and intentional – but many couples report stronger connections after working through difficult challenges together.

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Tommy Dean Lifestyle Staff Writer
Tommy Dean focuses on bringing a practical yet inspiring perspective to life. His goal is to help readers find simple ways to enhance their lives and embrace a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.
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