Home DATING & RELATIONSHIPSDATING ADVICE How to Have Dating Success as a Shorter Guy

How to Have Dating Success as a Shorter Guy

by Jax Rivers
5 minutes read

Let’s get one thing straight: being a shorter guy in the dating world can feel like showing up to a basketball game with a trampoline. Society loves to remind us that height matters, and dating apps? Don’t even get me started. “Must be 6’0” or taller” might as well be tattooed on some profiles. But here’s the thing: you don’t need to be tall to win at dating. You just need to be you, with a little extra swagger. So let’s jump in and talk about how to have dating success as a shorter guy.

I’m not here to sugarcoat it. Yeah, some women care about height. But guess what? Some women also care about astrology signs, whether you put pineapple on pizza, or if you can name all the Kardashians. (Spoiler: I can’t.) The point is, you don’t need to appeal to everyone. You just need to find your people, and trust me, they’re out there.

So, if you’re feeling like a hobbit in a world of Ents, buckle up. I’m about to drop some truth bombs, dating tips, and a few sarcastic jokes to help you embrace your inner short king and slay the dating game.

1. Confidence is Your Secret Weapon (And No, It’s Not a Cliché)

Let’s start with the big one: confidence. I know, I know. You’ve heard this a million times. “Just be confident, bro!” Cool, but how? It’s not like you can walk into a bar and yell, “HEY LADIES, I’M CONFIDENT!” (Although, if you do, please film it for TikTok.)

Here’s the deal: confidence isn’t about pretending you’re 6’5”. It’s about owning who you are. Think about it, Tom Cruise is 5’7”, Bruno Mars is 5’5”, and Danny DeVito is… well, he’s Danny DeVito, and we all love him. These guys didn’t let their height stop them from being legends. Neither should you.

Pro Tip: Play to your strengths. Are you funny? Smart? A killer cook? Use that. Plan dates that let your personality shine. Take her to trivia night if you’re a history nerd. Cook her a meal that’ll make her forget all about height requirements. (Bonus points if you can make a soufflé that doesn’t collapse. I’ve tried. It’s harder than it looks.)

Dating success as a shorter guy

2. Stop Obsessing Over Height Filters (Seriously, They’re Dumb)

Let’s talk about dating apps for a second. Yeah, it sucks seeing “6’0” and up only” in someone’s bio. But here’s the thing: those filters say more about them than they do about you. Would you really want to date someone who reduces people to a number? That’s like saying, “I only date people who weigh exactly 150 pounds.” It’s shallow, and honestly, it’s a red flag.

Fun Fact: Studies show that most guys, tall or short, get very few matches on dating apps. It’s not just you. The algorithm is a cruel, unfeeling monster that doesn’t care about your feelings. So, instead of obsessing over height filters, focus on creating a killer profile. Use great photos (no bathroom selfies, please), write a bio that shows off your personality, and don’t be afraid to get a little weird. Quirky is memorable.

3. Real-Life Connections > Swiping Right

Here’s a hot take: dating apps are overrated. Sure, they’re convenient, but they’re also a breeding ground for superficial judgments. If you’re feeling discouraged, it might be time to step away from the screen and get out into the real world.

Go to events, join clubs, or just hang out with friends. In-person interactions are way more nuanced than swiping left or right. Plus, you’re way more likely to meet someone who’s into you for you, not because you hit some arbitrary height requirement.

Story Time: I once met a girl at a friend’s BBQ who told me she only dated tall guys. Guess what? We ended up dating for six months. Why? Because in real life, chemistry matters more than a number on a profile. (Also, I make a mean guacamole.)

4. Your Dating Profile is Your Wingman – Treat It Right

If you’re going to use dating apps (and let’s be real, most of us do), you need to put some effort into your profile. This isn’t the place to be lazy. No one’s swiping right on a blank bio and a blurry selfie from 2017.

Here’s How to Nail It:

  • Photos: Use a mix of candid shots, action pics, and at least one where you’re not wearing a baseball cap. (Trust me, it’s a thing.)

  • Bio: Show off your personality. Are you funny? Sarcastic? A total nerd? Let it shine. And for the love of all that’s holy, don’t write “Just ask.” That’s the dating profile equivalent of “I’m bad at texting.”

  • Prompts: Use them to showcase your interests and sense of humor. For example, if the prompt is “I’m overly competitive about…” you could say, “Monopoly. I will bankrupt you and steal your houses. Don’t @ me.”

5. Stop Beating Yourself Up (And Start Building Yourself Up)

Here’s the hard truth: if you keep telling yourself you’re not good enough because of your height, you’re going to believe it. And guess what? That negativity will show. Confidence isn’t just about how you act, it’s about how you think.

Try This: Every time you catch yourself thinking, “I’m too short to be attractive,” replace it with something positive. Like, “I’m a catch, and anyone who can’t see that is missing out.” (Yes, it sounds cheesy. No, I don’t care. It works.)

Final Thoughts: Own Your Short King Status

At the end of the day, dating as a shorter guy isn’t about changing who you are. It’s about embracing it. You don’t need to be tall to be attractive, confident, or successful in love. You just need to be yourself, flaws, quirks, and all.

So, go out there and own your short king status. Wear it like a badge of honor. And remember: the right person won’t care about your height. They’ll care about you. And if they don’t? Well, that’s their loss. Now go forth and slay, my vertically challenged kings. The world (and your future partner) is waiting.


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Jax Rivers Lifestyle Staff Writer
As a Lifestyle Staff Writer with EVRYGUY, Jax focuses on bringing a practical yet inspiring perspective to everyday men's life. His goal is to help readers find simple ways to enhance their lives and embrace a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.
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